Wednesday, October 20, 2010

13 Days

Dear Fellow Texans:

15 minutes a day for 13 days. Please do your part!

Monday marked the 1st day of early voting! Americans can begin sending the message, "We have had enough!" 13 days. 13 days until we take our country back. 13 days until we derail the out-of-control government spending train. 13 days until we put a stop to disastrous cap and trade policies that cost American jobs and will make us more dependent on foreign sources of food. 13 days until we send new people to Congress that UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE IN THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. I am asking each of you to spend just 15 minutes a day for the next 13 days so we can get out the vote.

Just as we have a Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor we need a Statue of Accountability at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

Today is a call to action for those of you who love our state and country. We each must do our part the next 13 days to leave no vote behind. That is why I sincerely ask each of you to go through your cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, and email accounts and remind your family, friends and neighbors to go to the polls and help us send the message, "We have had enough!"

Every election year is always labeled as "The Most Important Election." Friends, I'm here to tell you that this election will be one that our grandkids will look back on and be thankful that we took our country back. Please do your part and spend 15 minutes a day for the next 13 days!

Thank you for your continued support and with your help I look forward to serving another term as your Commissioner of Agriculture.