Monday, July 26, 2010

EPA Crying Over Spilled Milk

Anyone following the news headlines these past two years must have noticed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) aggressive agenda. From their costly designation of carbon dioxide as a pollutant, to the administration’s advocacy for dangerous Cap and Trade legislation, to the EPA not seeking to overturn the 6th Court of Appeals ruling that requires a duplicative permitting process for pesticide application (this makes your food cost more and doesn’t make it safer), labeling their agenda as aggressive may be an understatement.

Working with producers, it is good to see firsthand their dedication to conservation and their understanding of the need for clean water and air. It is no overstatement to say agriculturists are the original environmental stewards.

So you can imagine the dismay of all those involved with agriculture when the EPA is unwilling to agree the Clean Water Act (CWA) was not intended to regulate spills from dairy farms. Yes, you read that correctly. Because milk contains oil (animal fat) some are interpreting that the CWA applies to milk spills!

Even though many of the EPA’s recent proposals have had Democratic support, Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) recognizes the CWA was never intended to impact dairy farmers this way and is calling on the EPA to stand down. For the millions of babies who drink milk with every meal, and all Americans who enjoy a nice, cold glass of milk or slice of cheese, let’s hope he is successful.